Rubik’s cube resolve in just 8 steps !!

Code With Ammar
4 min readSep 29, 2021

The best way to learn how to learn to resolve the cube

Learn how to resolve Rubik’s cube

If you think the solution of Rubik’s cube needs supernatural intelligence I want to tell you that is so wrong !

After this article the Rubik’s cube will be your favorite game

So let’s get started>>

Step 1 : Make a plus around the yellow Square like this photo :

Plus around the yellow Square

Step 2 : Make a plus around the white Square and make sure the colors matches with their centers like this photo :

plus around the white Square

Step 3 : Resolve the the white face of cube using this Algorithm :

make sure from now the white face always in the bottom and search about the white corners on the top layer the yellow layer

match the second color of the white color with it’s center color

now if the white corner in the top on the right side use this algorithm : R U R’

else use this algorithm : L’ U’ L

and at the end the first layer of cube will be resolved look at this steps in the photo :

Resolve the the white face of cube

Step 4 : Resolve the the middle layer of cube using this Algorithm :

search in the top layer about pice not colored with yellow and match it with it’s center it will be like reversed T like the one in this photo :

then if the top color match the one of the left side use this algorithm : U’ L’ U’ L

to be more clear look at this photo :

then Fix the white corner again like the same in previous step

if the top color match the one of the right side use this algorithm : U R U R’

repeat the steps until resolve the all pieces in middle layer

the result will be like this :

the result of step 4

Step 5 : Make a yellow using this algorithm :

F U R U’ R’ F’

Yellow plus

Step 6 : Resolve the yellow face of cube using this algorithm :

R U R’ U R U2 R’

repeat the algorithm until get this shape like a fish and make sure the head of fish on bottom and left :

Fish shape

and repeat it the last time and you will resolve the yellow face of cube

Step 7 : Resolve the corners using this algorithm :

L’ U R U’ L U2 R’ U R U2 R’

Step 8 : Resolve the top layer of the cube using this algorithm:

F2 U R’ L F2 L’ R U F2

Rubik’s Cube

I hope I explain all steps very clearly and don’t forget to support me by clap to this article

and this is a video in arabic language to all steps above don’t worry about language just you watch the steps and read this article in the same time

thank you



Code With Ammar

Mobile apps developer I'm Amar, I'm a developer with a passion for teaching. with all wishes for success .